Meijo UniversityGraduate School of Law

Acquire Highly Specialized Knowledge Based on Intellectual Exchange with Overseas Institutions

We have adopted the semester system and have put in place instruction and courses to make it possible to acquire highly specialized knowledge to accommodate the diverse research objectives of graduate students. In addition, we have instituted a system that enables closely tailored guidance for study and research by deciding on an academic advisor beginning in the first year of the master's course. We have also signed academic exchange agreements with the University of Hawaii Law School, Tsinghua University in China, Korea University in South Korea, and others, and their research scholars are invited on a regular basis. Further, the school has signed credit exchange agreements with several major graduate schools of law in the region, including Aichi Gakuin University, Chukyo University, and Nagoya Keizai University. Numerous foreign students are working to overcome the handicap of language and complete the doctoral course, and they provide enormous inspiration to the Japanese students.


Master's Course

Division of Law

Doctoral Course

Division of Law

Departmental Information