Fostering Well-Rounded, Sensible, and Practical Individuals Who Can Play an Active Role in the Global Community
Modern society seeks human resources with high-level communicative skills and the ability to show initiative. The world needs people with a broad perspective based on profound cultural insight and knowledge of human nature. Such people are able to respond flexibly to changing times and the effects of globalization. The Faculty of Human Studies espouses an educational philosophy that involves providing students with a wide-ranging education and encouraging them to develop a humanistic and global-minded outlook. The faculty comprises three specialized fields: psychology; society and education; and international relations and communication. We also offer various seminars and on-site courses, such as overseas training, in order to develop human resources that can play an active role in all realms of society.

Departmental Information
Department of Human Studies
Through broad-ranging studies in three areas--psychology; society and education; and international relations and communication--students learn about humanity, while fostering their own personal characters. This enables them to develop into cultured individuals endowed with practical skills and compassion.