- Classes
- 英語リーディング1?2、英語ライティング1?4、アカデミック?イングリッシュI、英語ディスカッション1?2、インタラクティブ?イングリッシュ2
- Area of Study
- 応用言語学、演劇教育法
Academic English
Academic English is designed to be a first step in preparing students to exchange ideas with people all over the world. The main focus of the course is on the development of critical thinking skills, an essential aspect of not only academia but of life in general. Students will actively research, reflect, and discuss a wide range of issues with classmates and teacher. Students will present their findings each week and their viewpoints, after which there will be discussions in groups. Through such discussions and presentations, this course aims to develop essential communication skills that aid in becoming a persuasive speaker.
Drama in Education
Drama in education focuses on using aspects of drama to enhance engagement and learning through the use of dramatic tension, character development, and world creation. It has long been used as an approach for professional development, in literature, writing, history, and language courses, and more recently in nurse training. While the word “drama” may evoke theatre, performance, and acting, drama in education can be quite removed from those traditional images. In the field of language teaching, it is closer to what could be called “simulated task-based learning”. My personal area of focus is process drama as an approach to teaching language.

Having worked as an actor from the age of nine, the weight of words has always been a part of my life. Being able to convey the writer’s intent when they wrote the words, finding new interpretations within the words, the understanding that words are just the surface and how you convey them is an essential part of bringing words to others. Your choice in words, how you use your voice, body, and face to convey those words will drastically affect how the other person receives your message.

I grew up all around the world. It’s hard for me to say exactly where I am from. Each culture has left its mark on my identity. The one thing I can say is that we are all much more alike than we are different. Finding the common thread between you and another person is the first step in understanding people of other cultures. The less you “other” people who you think seem different from you, the more open you will be to new worlds and ways of thinking.