- Classes
- English Communication & Å, English Discussion ‰ & ♯, Academic English Å, Media English Å, English Presentation, English Debate, Public Speaking
- Area of Study
- Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) & Educational Psychology
Media English Å
In this course, students watch and listen to news videos to help improve their media English listening comprehension. They also read and discuss articles and topics found in popular newspapers around the world, in order to increase their academic vocabulary and critical thinking skills. Finally, students learn about the language and style of commercials on television and the internet, and practice this knowledge by creating their own commercials.
Self-Efficacy, Technology Enhanced Learning
My recent research has been exploring how to quantify the influence of engagement and interest in mobile learning environments, as well as how best to quantify instructional efficiency in highly interactive mobile platforms. As mobile apps saturate people¨s lives and the way we learn both in and out of the classroom, it is important to understand how to leverage these new technologies. The hope is to contribute to this understanding by generating principles with which to inform the creation of more effective English learning mechanics on mobile devices.

English is the most commonly spoken language in the world and 1 in every 5 people around the globe can speak or at least understand English. That is over 1.5 billion people! Think of all the possible new friends you could make if you could communicate in English! By learning languages, you can learn about other cultures and thereby learn more about yourself. Few experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits, and ways of life of cultures that are different from yours.

I came to Japan in 1998 as a student and have been living and working here ever since. During that time, I have also visited nearly 20 countries. In my opinion, the best possible way to really learn about language and culture, is to leave the comfort of what you know best and get out to new places and meet new people. Your own personal comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there. You remain the same. If you want to learn something and get something out of this life that you have never had, you will have to do something that you have never done. So, how about trying to leave your comfort zone and get comfortable feeling uncomfortable?