- Classes
- English Communication ,Å, English Writing ,Å,‰,♯, Media English, English Presentation, Public Speaking, Debate
- Area of Study
- Corpus Linguistics, Vocabulary Acquisition, Collocation and Formulaic Sequence Acquisition, C.A.L.L.
In all Meijo freshmen and sophomore Communication courses, usage of my original smartphone app has been implemented as required course work. The app¨s contents help students to master general English vocabulary, collocation, and grammar patterns. In addition, the technology reduces teacher work load in that quizzes can be automatically generated, taken right on students¨ smartphones, and automatically graded. I helped train all the teachers of the courses on how to utilize the app, and to also bring app study into the classroom via a series of fun activities. Such technology has advantages over more traditional paper-based methods, and as a faculty we aim to take advantage of it to improve upon the efficacy of learning.
Researchers agree that learning language in chucks rather than isolated vocabulary or direct study of grammar is ideal. This is because when you learn this way, you not only are exposed to the vocabulary, but also how they commonly occur with other vocabulary, and the typical grammatical formulations that they occur in. But if researchers know this, we don¨t we teach in this way? Until now, there has been no large-scale resources for such study. My PhD research aimed to complete the first large-scale list of common English chucks. Now that it is complete, I hope that students will study it directly, and textbook writers will use it as a reference material to create new, more efficient resources for English learners across the globe.

To me, language is a bridge between countries, people and culture. Learning a foreign language, studying abroad, and discovering a foreign culture can all be life changing events for an individual. Once a student of language myself, I can attest to the chasm of difference between who I was before I began my studies, and who I am today. As a teacher, I hope to serve as a guide along this bridge to help students across to whatever lies ahead for them over that chasm.

English is the world¨s lingua franca. Through it, innovation thrives and strong, positive global ties are created where ideas can be easily shared. However, there are many different groups of English learners, and each group has specific needs. I have found that to truly achieve efficient language learning, it is ideal to have custom-tailored materials for groups of learners because certain aspects of a language may be very difficult for one group of learners while easy for others. Thus, I have branched out to create resources and smartphone applications for other countries which have large numbers of English learners, such as China and Korea. I intend to continue to branch further out to provide quality materials for as many learner groups as possible.