3日目の午前中は、Redwood Empire Food Bankを訪れました。「フードバンク」とは、寄付された食料品や日用品と、それを必要としている人々とをつなげる活動をしている場所です。私たちは、事前にスーパーマーケットでパスタやスープなどの食品を買い、それを寄付しました。
In the morning, we visited Redwood Empire Food Bank. Food banks are places where food is provided free of charge to people in need. Before arriving, everyone bought one nonperishable good such as uncooked pasta or soup at a supermarket, and donated it to the food bank. In addition, we also toured the Olive Press in Sonoma and learned how olive oil is made at their factory. We had the opportunity to sample freshly made olive oil and vinegar. After that, we listened to the history and religion of California at the Mission San Francisco Solano in Sonoma. Throughout the day, we had wonderful experiences. Tomorrow, we’re going to make presentations at Sonoma State University. We will try to do our best to show the result of our hard practice.(外国語学部 M.T., & Y.N.)
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- #CLAB (Collaborative Learning Across Borders)
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- #最先端!
- #一生の宝物!
- #刺激的!
- #挑戦!
- #学んだ!
- #知ってほしい!