


Self-evaluations, external evaluations, Project achievement report

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  • Self-evaluations, external evaluations, Project achievement report

The outcomes of research and branding programs of this project undergo annual in-house examinations and assessments and evaluations by external third parties. In order to continuously improve the project plan, outcomes are assessed and evaluated in terms of the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle. The results of evaluations are reflected in the research plan for the following fiscal year.

FY 2016

Project objectives

This project is aimed at advancing global basic research into and building a global research base for futuristic optical devices with new functions and for new fields. The project is centered on the research team of Professor Isamu Akasaki, who was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the invention of a super-luminosity blue LED. In addition, the project will be given university-wide support in research on the application of optical devices. It will also foster quality human resources by encouraging students to participate in joint research with businesses that aim to introduce optical devices to society.

The latest information on research will be published on the website and announced at symposiums and on other occasions. We will also give mock experiments at elementary, junior high, and high schools and conduct other activities to educate the general public about optical devices and their applications. Through these and other efforts being implemented under the President’s leadership, we are carrying out branding strategies and establishing a brand image for Meijo University’s research.

Implementation targets and implementation plans for FY 2016

Make preparations for introduction of equipment necessary to create an international research base that can develop basic technologies for optical devices with new functions and for new fields. Move ahead with research and development aimed at practical application of cutting-edge devices created by Meijo University’s research team, such as surface-emitting lasers and ultraviolet sensors.

In public relations, establish a website and showroom and hold optical device symposiums open to the general public, thus providing society with information on Meijo University’s research into optical devices. In addition, hold mock experiments for students at nearby elementary, junior high, and high schools to further understanding of optical devices among the general public and foster a high level of students for our university in the future.

Project achievements for FY 2016

With the goal of applying our research achievements to society, we conducted joint research with numerous partner companies in order to form bonds between our students, company researchers, and university researchers, thus exposing our students to a high level of research. As examples of research carried out, we succeeded in developing a blue-violet nitride semiconductor surface-emitting laser with the world’s highest output of 4.2 mW; and an electron beam excitation GaN-based ultraviolet semiconductor laser. In addition, we intend to continue next year and beyond with research that will allow the creation of optical devices with new functions and for new fields; for example, we are currently looking into applying technologies such as quantum shell active layers, polarization doping, and tunnel junctions to optical devices.

In addition, we conducted a wide range of public relations: we opened our website and showroom, held a symposium, gave mock experiments at elementary, junior high, and high schools, and had our activities featured in newspapers.

Self-evaluations and external evaluations in FY 2016


Conducted evaluation in writing (April 10–19, 2017) and evaluation by interview (April 26, 2017)

Evaluation in writing
  • Evaluation by 16 committee members
  • Each committee member was allotted 80 points
Score of 1,153 out of 1,280 (percentage score of 90.08%)
Judgment score (percentage-based evaluation)
Excellent: 80% and higher; Good: 70% and higher; Pass: 60% and higher; Fail: Less than 60%
Evaluation by interview
  • Evaluation by 12 committee members
A: 10 votes; B: 2 votes; C: 0 votes
A: Excellent; B: Good; C: Insufficient

External evaluations

Conducted evaluation in writing (April 14–24, 2017) and evaluation by interview (May 10, 2017)

Evaluation in writing
  • Evaluation by 10 committee members
  • Each committee member was allotted 80 points
Score of 677 out of 800 (percentage score of 83.38%)
Judgment score (percentage-based evaluation)
Excellent: 80% and higher; Good: 70% and higher; Pass: 60% and higher; Fail: Less than 60%
Evaluation by interview
  • Evaluation by nine committee members
A: 3 votes; B: 5 votes; C: 1 vote
A: Excellent; B: Good; C: Insufficient

Main findings of self-evaluations and external evaluations

  • Research yielded excellent results
  • University should provide more comprehensive backup
  • Need to establish more concrete success indices and targets to achieve

How subsidies were used in FY 2016

Research funds: 16.5 million yen
Main uses: Purchase of consumables such as liquid nitrogen and sapphire substrate

PR funds: 2.83 million yen
Main uses: Building a dedicated website, miscellaneous expenses for running symposium, etc.

Total funds: 19.33 million yen