


Self-evaluations, external evaluations, Project achievement report

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The outcomes of research and branding programs of this project undergo annual in-house examinations and assessments and evaluations by external third parties. In order to continuously improve the project plan, outcomes are assessed and evaluated in terms of the PDCA (plan, do, check, act) cycle. The results of evaluations are reflected in the research plan for the following fiscal year.

FY 2019

Project objectives

With this project, we will establish an internationally renowned research base for creating new devices with new functions. Through branding strategies, we will acquire motivated and high-quality applicants for enrollment, to experience the world-class “Optical Device Research at Meijo University”, and participate in joint research with companies. It will foster quality human resources who will play significant roles in society after graduating from the university. This will lead Meijo University to a great reputation and positive results in recruiting more promising candidates and increasing the brand value of Meijo University.

Implementation targets and implementation plans for FY 2019

Through joint research with the private and venture companies, we will work on the devices that have been realized for social implementation. We will work on unprecedented areas for ultraviolet lasers, short wavelengths and long wavelengths for surface-emitting lasers, and expanding the operating area for ultraviolet sensors. Also, we will work to enhance our role as an international collaboration base. Based on the results of several questionnaires conducted in FY 2018, we will review and develop our projects through "selection and concentration" among the university's website, showrooms, public symposiums, experiment demonstration, and through other information that students distribute.

Project achievements for FY 2019

In FY 2019, we have continued our research activities from previous years and had many results and accomplishments. Associate Professor Iwaya Motoaki and his colleagues held a press conference to announce the world's first UV-B (298nm) laser with the aim of further improving its characteristics for medical and industrial applications, and it was reported in six different newspapers. The realization of new optical devices has led to building the brand for Meijo University as its high social value becomes featured in the media. We have also succeeded in realizing a visible light sensor with the world's highest sensitivity and a surface-emitting laser with the world's highest power with a conductive mirror, and these results have been shown in 18 invited presentations, 64 conference presentations, and 7 patent applications, etc. As for branding, in addition to giving experiment demonstrations for elementary, junior high and high school students, we hope to increase the level of social recognition by giving lectures at other places including the Japan Institute of Light Metals and The Japan Society of Dental Equipment based on the social implementation of the results by future joint research with companies. In addition, Meijo University hosted the Meijo University Techno Fair 2019, which welcomed 800 visitors to spread the seeds of our research to a wider audience.
We also sent DMs to high school students who are interested in studying science across the country to raise the level of recognition. As for international research activities, we organized an international workshop on AlGaN research at the Technische Universit?t Berlin, Germany by the researchers from Germany, Poland and Japan.

Self-evaluations and external evaluations in FY 2019


For our self-assessment/evaluation, we have conducted written and interview evaluations. However, due to the spread of coronavirus, the Research Branding Project Committee discussed and decided that only written evaluations should be conducted for FY 2019. The progress report and other evaluation materials were delivered to the Research Branding Project Committee, and written evaluation was conducted between May 20 and May 29, 2020. The written evaluation received a score of 816 points out of 945 total points (86.4%) from the 15 committee members, and was judged “excellent.”

External evaluations

The external evaluation has been conducted in written and interview evaluations by a committee made up of members selected from university researchers, corporate engineers, and those engaged in national and prefectural industry development. However, due to the spread of the coronavirus, the Research Branding Project Committee discussed and decided that only written evaluations should be conducted for FY 2019. The progress report and other evaluation materials were delivered to eight members of the external evaluation committee. The written evaluation has been conducted between May 26 and June 8, 2020, we received 507 points out of 567 total points (89.4% ) and were judged as “excellent”. The opinions from the members of the committee in the written evaluation indicated that the project objectives and outcomes were clear to understand and that the branding seemed successful. A number of remarkable achievements such as the realization of the world's first UV-B laser, etc have been reported and widely publicized in major newspapers, which was a great benefit for branding activities.
While activities such as sending out DMs to high school students were resulting in improved rankings, they pointed out that our research base, the Optoelectronic Device Research Center may still only be recognized by those involved in research. In their opinion, there were no specific activities for logistical support on campus. These issues need to be addressed by the Research Branding Project Committee in line with business development in FY 2020, and it was decided to further improve the project.

How subsidies were used in FY 2019

Total funds for FY2019 were 40,250,000 yen and actual expenditure was 38,605,000 yen. The percentage of budget implementation was 95.9%. The main usages were as follows:

① Research expenses: 28,400,000 yen (liquid nitrogen: 8,087,000 yen/software license: 1,024,000 yen/GaN infrastructure: 3,132,000 yen, etc.)
② Personnel expenses: 7,431,000 yen (PD salary 1 person)
③ PR expenses: 2,774,000 yen (Branding business DM: 2,350,000 yen/Branding business leaflet: 132,000 yen).